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2 Day Lash Extensions


Location: at Toronto Beauty Room REG: $1800+HST

NOW $1600+HST (kit included)

(1 day online + 2 days in class)

Online zoom: Theory rundown (1.5-2 hours) 

Day 1 | 9:45am-5pm

(lunch included) During our first day of in person training, we will go through different eye case studies and understand the proper placement of undereye patches, how to utilize tape as well as different ways to tape. We will then proceed with the hands on application and get comfortable with utilizing tweezer in both hands. Then we will review proper sanitization + workplace set up along with how to properly prepare for your clients service. You will have hands-on practice with a mannequin head, some demonstration on myself then a full set with your live model by 2pm. During the process, photographs will be taken so we can add them to your portfolio to help build your page. The last hour of the course we will cover an intro into hybrid + volume fan making so you can practice as you will be sent home with homework that will be expected to be completed for Day 2. 

Day 2 | 9:45am-5pm 

(lunch included) First we will review your homework and cover any questions regarding the material that was taught on day 1. We will continue to go through the training book regarding hybrid and volume theory! Hands on practice with the mannequin will need to be approved by myself before proceeding with your live model. You will have full support from myself in any given situation so we can overcome any issues together. When we continue with your live model the same day, this will allow myself to fully understand any problems you are encountering, whether its body positioning, finding the ‘sweet spot’ in your tweezers, extension placement etc.. and help you work around the problems we may come across. You will have a limit of 2.5 hours which will help with your time management for the future and approximately 15-20 minutes for photographs. Demonstrations will also be provided by myself. Upon completion of your live model, you will receive your certification for the completion of your 2-day training. Afterwards we will cover the basics of branding/marketing/photography/pricing to complete your training.

3 Day Lash Extensions (20+ hours)

REG: $2000+HST NOW $1750+hst (kit included) 

Day 1 | 9:30am-4pm

(lunch included) Together we will work through the book page by page, in a very detailed manner until all the theory information is understood correctly. Proper consultation will be demonstrated so that you can take over client consultation for day 2 and 3. Then we will proceed with the application process from start to finish with classic lash trays. You will have hands-on practice with a mannequin head, demonstration on the instructor to get comfortable then a refill demonstration by the instructor to understand how to approach live models. During the process, photographs will be taken so we can add them to help build your portfolio. The last hour of the course we will cover an intro into hybrid and volume theory so you can practice as you will be sent home with homework that will be expected to be completed for Day 2. 

Day 2 | 10am-4pm

(lunch included) First we will go over any theory/knowledge that was covered in Day 1 to ensure all content was properly explained and understood. We will continue to go through the training guide regarding hybrid theory and get some hands-on practice with the mannequin head. We will get right into tweezer testing as well as trying out different volume fan making demos to ensure you are well rounded and knowledgeable in different application methods. Followed by a live model to end the class. Homework will be provided. 

Day 3 | 10am-3:30pm

(lunch included) We will review your homework that was given and proceed with more fan making in order to perfect your craft./ Live model will arrive on the third day for your volume application. (2-3 hours)  After completion, we will go more in depth on business management as the 2 Day training will only cover 30 minutes of this topic. Certification given upon completion.

Total: 1 instructor live demo + 2 student live models

After completion of course, it is in your own hands if you decide to pursue further into eyelash extensions. Although, it is highly recommended to practice a minimum of 5-10 models within the first month post-training. This will help you exercise and train your hands so that you begin to become more comfortable before taking public clients. As you begin to practice more, you will gather more questions and concerns that I will always be able to address and help you with. You can contact me via whats app or email to find more support post training. Full support will be provided for 6 months post training. 


+ Anatomy of the eye
+ Types of Eye infections
+ Studying different eye shapes
+ Sterilization//Disinfection
+ Studying Diameters
+ Product Knowledge
+ Types of lashes
+ Different techniques used
+ Proper post care/retention
+ Workplace set up and inventory
+ Adhesive product knowledge


+ Practice Isolation
+ Practice proper eye pad placement (on myself and mannequin
+ Getting comfortable with tweezers
+ Proper placement(s)
+ How to properly use  your adhesive
+ Removing extensions

Business Management

+ Pricing and Promotions
+ Photography and Editing
+ Inventory List 

Model Sourcing

If you would like us to source a model for your training, please let us know ahead of time so we can help promote ads to secure a model. A fee of $40+hst per model will be required.

If you choose to bring your own model, please have them email their interest to with the subject: Model for eyelash extensions (Date:____) and attach photos of their natural lashes facing down  They will need to be approved in order to ensure they are the right candidates for your first hands on experience.

Starter kit will include ⬇️: ($550+ value) 

  • Eye pads
  • Mini lash fan
  • Glue rings
  • Adhesive wipes
  • Nexcare tape
  • Remover
  • Adhesive
  • Primer
  • Microswabs
  • Bonder 
  • Lip applicators 
  • Classic lash trays 
  • Volume lash trays
  • 2 Isolation tweezer 
  • 3 Volume tweezers
  • Lash Tile 
  • Lash Bath

Next training classes:

To enroll: please email

Model Sourcing

If you would like us to source a model for your training, please let us know ahead of time so we can help secure a model for your training. If you choose to bring your own model, please have them email their interest to with the subject: Model for Lash Training (Date:_______) and attach photos of their natural lashes in good lighting. They will need to be approved in order to ensure they are the right candidates for your first hands on experience.

A fee of $60+hst per model will be required.
Students who decide to bring in their own lash model, model pricing @ $30+hst to cover supply costs.